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WORSHIP: Bread, Bath & Beyond -Beyond the Fear 

  • Epworth United Methodist Church 3207 37th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406 (map)

@ Sanctified Arts

Bread, Bath and Beyond Service Series: The saying goes, “feel the fear and do it anyway.” These common men, who just a mere few years earlier were getting up every day and simply praying for a good catch of fish, stand on the top of a mountain and see their leader joined by dead, yet famous, ancestors of the faith. They already have begun to realize that Jesus is something of a legend, but this seals it, and they are terrified. They felt the fear and left their professions anyway to follow Jesus. And now perhaps they can see that this is not your ordinary life they’re mixed up in. Do you feel like there are extraordinary things you could do if only you could move beyond the fear?

Worship and Sermon Lead: Deb Fors 

Liturgist: Jon Fors 


2 Corinthians 4: 3-6

- Psalm 50: 1-6 

- Mark 9: 2-9

Worship will be available in person and LIVE on Facebook.

January 19

WORSHIP: Bread, Bath & Beyond - Remembering Our Baptism

February 28