Programs & Events

In addition to our weekly Sunday worship Epworth provides a number of ongoing programs and one-time events that are full of community, fulfillment and fun. See upcoming programs in our calendar and check out descriptions of our recurring programming.



Do you have time to lend a hand in cutting up vegetables or making dough? Come on over to the church kitchen and help us prepare for the big pasty making day. All are welcome for a short or long time. Get ready to get your hands dirty!

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WORSHIP: Bread, Bath & Beyond -Beyond the Fear 

WORSHIP: Bread, Bath & Beyond -Beyond the Fear 

The saying goes, “feel the fear and do it anyway.” These common men, who just a mere few years earlier were getting up every day and simply praying for a good catch of fish, stand on the top of a mountain and see their leader joined by dead, yet famous, ancestors of the faith. They already have begun to realize that Jesus is something of a legend, but this seals it, and they are terrified. They felt the fear and left their professions anyway to follow Jesus. And now perhaps they can see that this is not your ordinary life they’re mixed up in. Do you feel like there are extraordinary things you could do if only you could move beyond the fear?

Worship and Sermon Lead: Deb Fors 

Liturgist: Jon Fors 


2 Corinthians 4: 3-6

- Psalm 50: 1-6 

- Mark 9: 2-9

Worship is available in person and LIVE on Facebook.

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WORSHIP: Bread, Bath & Beyond - Remembering Our Baptism

WORSHIP: Bread, Bath & Beyond - Remembering Our Baptism

Bread, Bath and Beyond Service Series: Remembering your baptism and Blessing of Marcia Alexander, as new Certified Lay Minister (CLM)

Worship Lead: Marcia Alexander + Rev. Cheryl Goode
Liturgist: MaryEllen Reetz-Peagus

Acts 19:1-7
Psalm 29
Mark 1:4-11

Worship is available in person and LIVE on Facebook.

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WORSHIP: The Road Isn’t Straight

WORSHIP: The Road Isn’t Straight

The birth of Christ brings good news of great joy to all people, which is cause for celebration. On this Sunday after Christmas, we encourage you to be playful, to not take yourself too seriously, to laugh. For laughter is like hope—it has a ripple effect. It’s one of many ways we live and share good news.

Worship lead: Jean Long
Reader: Nancy Miesel-Youngman

Worship is available in person and LIVE on Facebook

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WORSHIP: Don’t Forget to Laugh!

WORSHIP: Don’t Forget to Laugh!

The birth of Christ brings good news of great joy to all people, which is cause for celebration. On this Sunday after Christmas, we encourage you to be playful, to not take yourself too seriously, to laugh. For laughter is like hope—it has a ripple effect. It’s one of many ways we live and share good news.

Worship lead: Jean Long
Reader: Nancy Miesel-Youngman

Worship is available in person and LIVE on Facebook

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LUNCH & CAROLS to Epworth Shut-Ins

LUNCH & CAROLS to Epworth Shut-Ins

After worship will join for lunch and then head out to see Epworth members who are not able to attend for Christmas caroling. We will sing and bring joy to those that are not able to be present with us every Sunday!

Bundle up and come warm up your caroling voice!

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WORSHIP + Communion - LOVE: Hope is worth the risk

WORSHIP + Communion - LOVE: Hope is worth the risk

Hope is vulnerable and can feel like a tremendous risk, especially if you’ve experienced loss or trauma. But Mary shows us a resilient hope that takes risks—she risks her body to bear a son who will become the hope of her people.

Similarly, Joseph makes a risky choice to stay with Mary; dismissing her quietly would have kept him safe. But instead, he chooses hope. He chooses to trust the angel, and it makes all the difference. It can feel safer and easier to be a cynic, but the world doesn’t need more cynics. It needs people who say, “It can be better," and make it so.

Scripture Readings: Matthew 1:18-25 & Luke 1:46-55

Worship Lead: Jean Long

Reader: Nan Rice

Advent Candle Lit by: Novotny Family

Worship will be in person or LIVE on Facebook.

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Blue Christmas Worship Service

Blue Christmas Worship Service

As the longest night of the year approaches, we will gather to remember those no longer present upon the earth in a Blue Christmas worship service.

We will bring light to our grief, we will pray and sing as we lift their names.  All are welcome as we remember family and friends - including four legged and winged loved ones. 

Join us for worship to remember those we miss.


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WORSHIP w/ Pageant - JOY: Do the good that is yours to do

WORSHIP w/ Pageant - JOY: Do the good that is yours to do

Come and enjoy the advent season with our intergenerational pageant! There will be acting, singing and lots of fun - come and check it out.

The play is from Bridgewater UMC Sunday School - "The Christmas Story".

Worship lead: Nancy Miesel-Youngman
Advent Wreath, lit by: Fors Family

Worship is available in person and LIVE on Facebook

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Come to the front yard at Epworth and enjoy a good fire while we sing Christmas Carols, eat candy canes and enjoy hot chocolate!

Bundle up and warm up your caroling voice!

ALL ARE WELCOME - free event!

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Advent Workshop

Advent Workshop

Come to the workshop to build a yule log, crafts for the tree, decorate cookies, carols to sing and lunch to eat!

Get ready for the holiday season.

Kid friendly and all are welcome!

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WORSHIP: PEACE: We can’t go alone

WORSHIP: PEACE: We can’t go alone

One of life’s most essential lessons is that we are never meant to go alone. And yet, modern culture pushes us more and more into lonely silos. If Ruth had followed her culture’s norms, she would have gone home to her family of origin after her husband died, but instead, she commits herself to her mother-in-law, Naomi. Together they form a new family and covenant.

Ruth and Naomi travel together to Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest, foreshadowing the journey Mary and Joseph will one day take to be counted in the census. Both Ruth and Naomi as well as Mary and Joseph are unconventional pairs, but if God can bring unlikely people together, God can form us into a covenant community too.

Scripture Readings: Ruth 1 & Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Worship Lead: Jean Long

Meditation/Sermon: Nan Rice

Reader: Tim Rice

Worship is in person and on Facebook LIVE.

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WORSHIP: HOPE: You are a blessing!

WORSHIP: HOPE: You are a blessing!

Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on.

And so, we invite you to move through this Advent season as if you are entering a sacred new chapter, holding fast to the reminders that will bolster you for the journey ahead. As you journey through this season, may you find words for belovedness and hope.

May you find words for beginning again. For no matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, love is your beginning. | @sanctifiedart

Worship Lead: Jean Long

Reader: MaryEllen Reetz-Peagus

Worship will be available LIVE on Facebook.

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Enhance Your Holiday Season with Unique & Artisan Gifts, Decorations, Grandma’s Attic & Yummy Treats to Go!

Also to go lunches are available.

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Do you have time to lend a hand in cutting up vegetables or making dough? Come on over to the church kitchen and help us prepare for the big pasty making day. All are welcome for a short or long time. Get ready to get your hands dirty!

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Ongoing Programs

Book or Bible Studies

There are also book studies and bible thumping sessions throughout the liturgical seasons and as the activist spirit calls.

Typically 2-6 weeks long the topics vary and are always supported by a facilitator. Watch our calendar and Facebook page for specifics.

Prayer and Prayer Chain

Epworth believes that prayer, whether as a united body or as an individual - is crucial and important to a sacred and spiritual life. We do pray together during worship. There is also an active prayer group that maintains the prayer chain – taking in requests weekly from those in need. The chain is important and isn’t broken.

Weed & Water Wednesdays/Cabin Fever

Besides worship, families in Longfellow, South Minneapolis engage in Weed and Water Wednesdays throughout the summer and Cabin Fever Wednesdays throughout the winter. These two programs are active times for children and caregivers from 0 to 100 to interact, play and be social together.

Weed and Water Wednesdays involve organized learning and tactile experiences in the Community Garden next to the building. Cabin Fever is a time in the colder winter months to come together and participate in the warm building basement. Both programs offer free, social and support opportunities for kids, parents and grandparents!

Brunch Bunch

About once a month we meet after church on Sunday to go and enjoy lunch together in fellowship at a local neighborhood restaurant in the Longfellow or Seward neighborhood. Come enjoy conversation and get to know each other a little more while enjoying the wonderful family owned restaurants in our neighborhood! Keep an eye on the calendar for when and where.

Weekly Sunday School for All Ages 

There is a weekly Sunday School available before worship, specifically for adults and kids. Once a month we do an intergenerational lesson and singalong.